Three types of pool players and what they need

Three types of pool players and what they need

The purpose of this blog is to make you a better pool player. But of course this can mean a lot of different things, depending on where you’re coming from and where you’d like to go. To make things clearer, for you and for myself, I came up with three types of pool players. For each I’m going to explain what defines them, what makes them better, what they can expect from their game and which equipment they need. (more…)

You’d like to be a better pool player? Well then, do it!

You’d like to be a better pool player? Well then, do it!

Every day when the local house league is playing, you can see players being angry with themselves, expecting more than they’re showing – and doing actually very little to be a better player. Everything could be so easy, though.

If you’ve subscribed to my newsletter, you received a welcome  message asking you to send me your biggest problem with becoming a better player. I get a lot of precise and detailed messages like this:

  • My pre-shot routine isn’t reliable
  • I don’t see the angles
  • my aiming system doesn’t work
  • always when I’m winning a match, I lose it in the end

When I follow-up with the question: “How often do you practice this skill?”, I hear… nothing. (more…)

5 exercises without a cue that will make you a better pool player

5 exercises without a cue that will make you a better pool player

Are you fed up with playing pool sometimes? You’ve played enough drills, matches and tournaments? And still you’d like to do more to become a better player?

Not all practice has to be at the pool table. Like basketball pros aren’t running around on the court all day, you don’t have to play pool all day.

Here are a few ideas how you can become a better player off the pool table. A nice side-effect: Some of these things will also help you in other areas of your life.


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